When choosing a paint color, there’s a lot to think about; do I choose something bold or neutral? Will this color match my home decor? Does it reflect my business’s brand? However, one of the most important things to consider is how a color makes you feel .
That’s right, color subconsciously affects us, meaning it can influence how we feel, act, and think without us even realizing it. Determining how colors affect us is a psychological study primarily based on instinct and emotion. Though there are many factors that influence one’s color-based feelings, such as their geographical location, subconscious, history, and personal preference, scientists have come to a general consensus of what each color represents and the specific emotions they evoke. Below, our Albuquerque painting experts break down what each color means.
Color Definitions & Psychology
All colors are typically categorized into two categories; warm and cool colors. Warm colors include two primary colors, red and yellow, one secondary color, orange, and variations of those colors. Cool colors include one primary color, blue, two secondary colors, green and purple, and variations of those colors.
The color you choose for your home or business will indefinitely influence its environment, and consequently, everyone in it. To determine which color(s) is the best choice for your New Mexico paint project, consider the following:
Warm Colors
Red is a powerful color, attracting attention and stimulating strong emotions. Too much of the color can sometimes be overwhelming, but it’s perfect as an accent color.
Associations: Love, passion, fire, anger, danger, and productivity.
Orange is a vibrant color, signifying energy and creativity. Orange commands attention in a subtle way and without overpowering a space.
Associations: Adventure, health, fun, motivation, happiness, and warmth.
Yellow is an uplifting color, giving off feelings of positivity, cheerfulness, and energy. It stimulates the left side of the brain, helping to encourage clear and quick thinking.
Associations: Happiness, sunshine, enthusiasm, freshness, and gender-neutrality.
Cool Colors
Blue is a very abstract color. It’s the color of the sky and sea, and is therefore thought to invoke calmness. However, it’s also associated with sadness, security, and loyalty. Depending on its hue, blue can induce relaxed (light blue), energizing (bright blue), or strong (dark blue) feelings.
Associations: Peace, serenity, integrity, responsibility, and honesty.
Green is an earthy color representing growth, nature, and peace, while alternatively representing jealousy and envy. Different shades can give off different feelings, such as bright green for energy, dark green for wealth, and natural greens (olives) for nature.
Associations: Health, affluence, healing, jealousy, and envy.
Purple takes on attributions of both blue and red, inciting romance, compassion, and spirituality. Dark purple has long been associated with royalty, while light purple leans towards romance and the springtime.
Associations: Royalty, religion, quality, luxury, and sensitivity.
Yes, color can greatly affect the result of your paint job, but so can its application! When quality matters, turn to the experts at Mike’s Quality Painting for commercial and residential interior painting services in Albuquerque, Rio Rancho, and Santa Fe!
Still struggling to choose a color? Our team will use their valuable insight and expertise to help you come to a color conclusion. Whether you’re wanting a bright and inspiring color or something more subtle and relaxing—if you’re ready to alter and enhance the environment of your home or business, call us today at (505) 508-5342!
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