Picking out the perfect paint finish for your room can be difficult, as there are many different types and reasons to choose each one. Paint finish seems like the most minor design consideration you’ll have to make, compared to picking out the color , but the sheen of your paint job is just as important and involves knowledgeable, visual, and functional considerations!
Choosing Your Finish
So you picked your paint color—the perfect shade of yellow for your new nursery—but now you’re asked which paint finish you want and you don’t know what that means, or the difference between them! The paint sheen is often overlooked when initially choosing your paint, but each option has a different purpose and durability. This is where the perfect guide to paint finish types comes in handy. You can choose your sheen based on considerations such as how heavily trafficked an area is, light diffusion, and how often the wall will need to be cleaned, among others.
The General Rule
The most basic thing to remember is the higher the sheen, the glossier the paint. Higher sheen means more durability, meaning the easier it will be to clean. The lower the sheen, the more matte your paint is going to be. It all has to do with what type of feeling you want to convey in your room. Each paint finish has a different purpose:
Turning to Your Albuquerque Painting Experts
Now that you know the different characteristics of each paint finish, it’s time to make the choice! No matter which sheen you choose, your friends and family will be sure to admire your new paint job when you hire Mike’s Quality Painting! Keep in mind that most paint colors have these options available, but not all. Now with your new-found paint finish knowledge you’ll be able to choose your sheen like a pro! Call Mike’s Quality Painting today to get started!
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